The submitted icon is not shown AND/OR does not match the branding currently shown on the homepage.

I recently submitted a Google Play Games Services project for an Android game in order to add leaderboard/achievements capability in the game and my submission for OAuth Consent Screen was rejected for the following issue My app was using the same icon which was uploaded for the Android game in the developer console. I uploaded the same icon a few times thinking that probbaly it’s the issue with icon format and kept getting rejected wih the same message. Finally I asked what do they mean by home page and in reply I received the ico file form my authorized domain website which did not match with the icon uploaded in the OAuth screen. I uploded the same icon image in the OAuth screen which was used in my authorized domain website (also hosting privacy policy) and finally OAuth consent screen was approved by Google.

Steps to add Play Games Services to HTML5/Cordova App

If you have made an HTML5 game and have compiled the game to an APK using Cordova and now want to add Play Games Services to your app to use Leaderboard and Achievements from Play Games Services, you need to follow a set of steps to make it work. If you want to learn how to use cordova to compile HTML5 game to an APK and publish to the Google Play Store, follow the steps @ Assuming that we have installed all tools for cordova on our system and can compile the game to the APK, we will follow next steps for the Play Games Services integration. First we need to find a cordova plugin which integrates the Play Game Services API and add it to our project. Go to NPM and search for the latest plugin for the Play Game Services integration. If you have not already created[…]

Quick Tip

Resize external website to fit in the iFrame

I recently had to publish a game on my website which was written by another developer and was in public domain. My website was responsive and worked great for PC, tablet and mobile but this game came in a fixed size and was not responsive. It was using canvas which could not be resized inside an iFrame to fit in the available space so I looked for options to fit this game in my website layout and make it work for all devices (PC, tablet, mobile). The idea was to use something which would work similar to how mobile devices use viewport to fit the content in its browser. CSS3 comes with the support for scaling of iFrame content which works perfectly in my scenario so the embeded game/page is scaled down to fit in the iFrame. There is some computation required to scale the embeded page correctly. The article[…]

Configure to use Adaptive Icons in Cordova

Adaptive icons require API 26 or above. We use a combination of legacy icons as well as adaptive icons to serve users who are using Android versions below 26 as well as those using 26 or above. Android will use Adaptive icons for API 26 or above and fallback to use legacy icons for devices with API below 26. For this tutorial we will create icon set using an online service Create icon set using the service and download the set. You should see the icons in two folders; Android and iOS. For his tutorial we will use Android icon set. Go inside the folder and you would see folders as following Let us also create an Android app using Cordova as described in the previous article Create a new app by using the command as following A basic skeleton cordova project is created This is the bare[…]

Use Cordova to compile HTML5 games to Android App

Install npm and cordova It is also useful to insall nvm which is node version manager to manage different versions of node.js. For windows the installable can be downloaded from here check version of node, npm and, cordova using the commands as following Once nvm is installed it can be used to check for installed version of node by using the command On windows use following command to see available versions on node If a higher version of node is available it can be installed by specifying the version as following Configure the system to use the installed version of node now Cordova install and update Update npm to the latest version by specifying the version number All of the above commands are specified to make sure that we have latest version of node, npm, nvm, cordova installed before we start creating packages for our HTML5 game. Version[…]

Some good resources for web game development

Websites to compress images Create spritesheets online for HTML5 games Create Android assets online Royalty free images / vectors Free custom icons Online APK Analyzer Free Icons for Commercial Use Generate CSS Sprites Responsive CSS Sprite Maker Free Sound