How to choose a category when submitting app in Samsung seller office

If you are trying to upload an APK to Samsung seller office and you are seeing two categories as following

  1. Main Category
  2. Galaxy Specials

If you leave it to Main Category, it won’t let you submit the APK for approval. If you select “Galaxy Specials” then you may get following error

The registered binaries do not meet the category conditions for GALAXY Specials. The GALAXY Specials category can be selected only if at least one binary supports GALAXY Specials. You can go to ‘Binary>Advanced Mode>Binary Details’ to check the supported GALAXY Specials options.

If you are trying to upload the saem APK which you uploaded to Google Play store, it will not work. Simply add following line to your manifest.xml and and build APK again.

<uses-permission android:name="" />

Now you can simply select “Galaxy Specials” as the category and submit your app.

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