GADInvalidInitializationException: The Google Mobile Ads SDK was initialized incorrectly.

While running a cordova app for iOS, if following error is thrown *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception ‘GADInvalidInitializationException’, reason: ‘The Google Mobile Ads SDK was initialized incorrectly. Google AdMob publishers should follow instructions here: to include the AppMeasurement framework, set the -ObjC linker flag, and set GADApplicationIdentifier with a valid App ID. Google Ad Manager publishers should follow instructions here:’ Make sure to include following values in your info.plist <key>GADIsAdManagerApp</key> <true/> <key>GADApplicationIdentifier</key> <string>REPLACE_YOUR_ADMOB_APP_ID</string>

WebGL: INVALID_VALUE: vertexAttribPointer: index out of range

I tried to update a game which was using last official relase of Phaser CE 2.6.2 compiled with cordova to the latest version (2.12.0) and started seeing below error in some mobile devices WebGL: INVALID_VALUE: vertexAttribPointer: index out of range There were hundreds were such errors logged and webview declined to log any further errors. Reverting it back to 2.6.2 fixes the problem. Looked for fixes in Phaser forums but did not find anything of help so reverted it back to 2.6.2. Seems like its going to be like that until we get regressively tested newer CE versions available.

“App not Installed” Error on Android When Updating to Newer Version

I recently updated an old Cordova Android app and tried to install it on my Android phone which had previous version installed already and the install failed with the message “App Not Installed”. Other than updating Android version and couple of plugins, everything else was same old and I had correctly changed “android-versionCode” as well as “version” to higher number so nothing looked wrong but I suspected it had something to do with either the version code or the certificates I was using to sign the app so I decided to look into the previous APK file and try to find something out. We can use AAPT tool to look into APK files which can be found in build-tools\<buildToolVersion> folder (for ex, C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-sdk\build-tools\23.0.1). Go to the folder and run following command in the command prompt aapt dump badging myapp.apk It turned out that though I had android-versionCode code[…]

Cordova Error: Android SDK not found. Make sure that it is installed

I recently tried to upgrade Cordova app which was last compiled almost an year back and got the following error Error: Android SDK not found. Make sure that it is installed. If it is not at the default location, set the ANDROID_HOME environment variable. I turns out that I had updated Android SDK version on my PC during that time and all I needed to do was to update the platform version in the app as well. Using Node.js Command Prompt and cordova commands, check the installed platform in the app using the following command cordova platform version android Update the installed platform version in the app using the following command cordova platform update android While upgrading the app additional issues I faced were related to plugins not being compatible with the new platform version which were fixed by simply removing the plugins and re-adding it which in some cases[…]

Compile Cordova App for iOS

I recently planned to compile my Phaser games for iOS App Store. These games were build using Cordova CLI and have already been published on Android Store so I already have a functioning game which was to be ported to iOS. I decided to document the steps I had to follow to get my game compiled and published to iOS App Store. You can develop the game on any platform of your liking but in order to compile and publish these games to iOS App Store you do need to have a Mac. It can not be done from Windows or any other platform. Steps to compile the game: Download MacOS installer for Node.js and install it on your Mac. Go to App Store on your Mac and install latest version of XCode. You need XCode to build the game. Open Terminal console (Finder -> Applications ->Utilities) on your MacOS and install cordova using npm utility of Node.js by[…]

Cordova iOS Mobile App displays White Background Color after Splash Screen

Cordova Mobile apps display a white background right after Splash screen. This happens because WebView is loaded before our app is initialized. I tried many suggestions such as setting AutoHideSplashScreen to false and then call navigator.splashscreen.hide() in deviceready function which did not work for me. It gets called before WebView is even loaded. After trying a lot of things I finally had to look into the main view controller code which is automatically generated by Cordova (I am using Cordova 8.0.0). Go to MainViewController.m file in the platforms/ios/CordovaLib/Classes folder and look for following code – (void)viewDidLoad { [super viewDidLoad]; // Do any additional setup after loading the view from its nib. } Add the lines highlighted as below. I used a transparent Splash screen (which gives black background while splash screen is shown) and changed the background color of the WebView to the color which matched with my app’s background color. – (void)viewDidLoad { [super viewDidLoad]; self.webView.opaque=NO; self.webView.backgroundColor =[…]