Quick Tip

Resize external website to fit in the iFrame

I recently had to publish a game on my website which was written by another developer and was in public domain. My website was responsive and worked great for PC, tablet and mobile but this game came in a fixed size and was not responsive. It was using canvas which could not be resized inside an iFrame to fit in the available space so I looked for options to fit this game in my website layout and make it work for all devices (PC, tablet, mobile). The idea was to use something which would work similar to how mobile devices use viewport to fit the content in its browser. CSS3 comes with the support for scaling of iFrame content which works perfectly in my scenario so the embeded game/page is scaled down to fit in the iFrame. There is some computation required to scale the embeded page correctly. The article[…]

Quick Tip

Add borders in Puzzle games in Phaser 3

In puzzle games where we need to add borders to our puzzles and mark various zones, we can use Phase Path to draw those lines. For this example we are going to draw something like the image below Let us start by creating our html file and including Phaser 3 js and our game js in it. Now our JS code for would be Try running this locally in your web server and you will see the result as shown in the screenshot.

How to add AdMob Reward Ads to Phaser 3 Game

We will be using corodva to compile a Phaser 3 Game to Android App. We are going to go over step by step description of how to implement Admob Reward Ads to our game. Let us start by creating a Phaser Game. For simplicity we will not have any game code in it but only a butoon to launch reward ads. Create the cordova project by using the following command in Node.js console. Refer to this blog to go over basic steps to compile an HTML5 game to Android app. We are going to use Admob Plus cordova plugin for implementing Admob ads in our game. Add plugin by using the command below. Make sure to replace App ID with your App ID in AdMob console. You need to create an App for your Android app and then create a Reward ad for that app which will be used here.[…]

How to fill “Data Safety” section on Google Play for AdMob?

If your app does not collect any user information, but uses Admob for advertisement in your Android app, you will still need to fill out the “Data Safety” section in your play store app listing. AdMob has provided some information on how to complete the “Data Safety” section in Play Store by providing information on end-user data collected by the Google Mobile Ads SDK. https://developers.google.com/admob/android/play-data-disclosure Though the information seems adequate, filling out form on Play Store still seems somewhat cumbersome task. Here is step-by-step details of what all should we be filling out in the “Data Safety” section. Start with first three questions, we need to select “Yes” for all. Click “Next” button to go to “Data types” page and answer further questions Nothing to be selected for following headers Personal info Financial info Health and fitness Messages Photos and videos Audio files Files and docs Calendar Contacts Nothing for[…]